PORTRAIT | △ ▲ △

Picture taken during my recent trip to Mount Bromo, October 27th, 2013

PORTRAIT | Birthday at Bromo

 Mount Bromo, October 20th, 2013

Thank you to all my cousins for the wonderful day. Thank you for the cake and pizzas too! The night ended with me covered in coffee + baking powder, eggs + some more crazy ingredients... definitely a surprise, but it was a fun night.


Mixed Media Illustration, 2013

October 5th, 2013

Happy New Moon in Libra! It’s another wonderful time for a fresh new start in our life and to send our loving intentions out to the universe! Although the energies can get a little tricky at this time, with the new Moon in challenging aspects to Pluto and Uranus (aka planets of intensity + surprises) there could be issues regarding love / individuality / equality to think about /// but with faith, understanding, and full commitment to our values and dreams, we can deal with whatever is in front of us with open mind and heart. I truly believe that life is a schoolroom, and we’re here to learn, express our passions and create a circle of love and light wherever we go. So no matter what happens, always try to see the positive side of life and trust that everything will work out for our highest good in the end. Just keep believing and keep reaching for the stars*. * . (/◔ ◡ ◔)/* . * . * . *!